Clothes Pulleys Bangalore Where Can I Buy Items To Fix A Traditional High Washing Line ?

Where can I buy items to fix a Traditional High Washing Line ? - clothes pulleys bangalore

I always had a series of rotation until I got home at my presence, which is a high-clothes dry faster than a rotary, but it broke and I tried several research repaired but not working properly. Where can I get a kit, the correct cable, roller or online? Or is it someone a better solution?


minefell... said...

All hardware, all the elements you need - from a wall hook to the line itself! ! !

Ice Girl said...

I moved into a property and want one of these lines, I saw in Tesco and Asda and a complete, easy to fix the wall is found in a plastic box with a pulley attached to the wall d packed 'or face closure.

her with the mad ginger hair said...

Hello, I know that if you make a team, as is such, but B & Q is probably the bits for the preparation of a new line needed ... I miss my long tail are the best .... Can you what you need is a garden center or home base to sell parts. I hope this helps xx

Patti M said...

You should discuss the situation and get what you need in any hardware store (more expensive), is home to Canadian Tire, Home Depot or any other center. I have a break and went to Home Depot to get what they need during the towline.

honey said...

Wilkinsons in United Kingdom

joseph b said...


Maryn said...

Sara, there are so many kinds of hangers and supports for more information.

What is broken in the first place? The supports or ends, the line itself, something else? Can you give us directly an image type of line you have? I could not begin to answer until I know what I want. (After that, at least I know if I can help.)

FWIW, the two basic types of clotheslines are vinyl covered clothesline cotton. Both are sold in hardware stores (Lowe's, Home Depot), and stores like Kmart, Wal-Mart, Target and Sears, and probably is.

T C said...

Argos, Woolworths, Wilkinson and most hardware stores sell washing machines and accessories.

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