Blower Inertia What Is The Best Possible Solution For A High Inertia Load[blower]? S/d Or Dol?

What is the best possible solution for a high inertia load[blower]? s/d or dol? - blower inertia

I want a 50hp motor with a payload of inertia start [fan].
If I start with the star-delta motor encountered in the Delta.
I set the timer so. But it is always hopping.
In the delta of the load 400A

When I am with the DOL 400A and achieve normal 41A (power) take up to 28 seconds. In this interval, the engine is too hot.

I try this test with the closing of the ventilator [blank]
How do I solve this problem?

In what could solve the problem? Star Delta or DOL


Ernst S said...

You must have disabled a startup circuit that drives the fan and 5 to 12 seconds, depending on the time for the 90% of terminal velocity in Y. reach
Then go to the delta. When the conversion automatically controoled should have either the time or power, no problems.

DOL is not a good solution for high inertia loads.

If you (manually / temporary) re-wiring of the machine and use a stopwatch to the start time until the spin-up operation will take place (no increase over the rate at Y)
Consider this measure of time. (Status quo) Repeat if necessary.

Automatic time YY triangle to the Delta 90% of the time measured.

Mike said...

What kind of control do you use? A start-line? I want to test your program in the VFD and ramp acceleration of 30 seconds.

Retired EE said...

A variable frequency drive (VFD) allow for the acceleration of the nominal torque of the engine at full load, without exceeding the rated motor current. If you want some more, you can store up to 150% torque of 150% of rated current. It will offer the best possible start, but the purchase price plus installation adds a lot of money. The energy consumption of around 5% more. You can have entry and exit of the reactor to limit the flow of power line harmonic voltage spikes that the engine can damage the insulation.

With the right timing, b / d starter should be able to start the fan, without overheating the motor. It may be necessary, including the protection of the engine for something that does not travel as fast change in the 400A. You need something to withstand 400A or short. If the rated current 41A, these motors have high starting current. The nominal current is 65A to your previous question, 400A is reasonable.

Edit 1
I will add that if you Limit consumption during normal operation, a VFD record in JanuaryRGY when used to modulate, reduce the flow velocity. The VFD can be recovered in energy savings.

The products of the AC motor ( is less efficient than a VFD, but similar to conserve energy, if the modulation of the flow by reducing the speed limit and no entrance fee.

An electronic soft start is another option, but not only expensive and can not do much better than a good implementation of the S / D starter.

Ken S said...

You can look in a society as Maga units. It is essentially a magnetic disc, which are set to slip when the torque can be very high.

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