Home Canning Jars Why Do I Sometimes Hear Voices Talking To Me When I Am Listening To Loud Music, But Nobody Is Home?

Why do I sometimes hear voices talking to me when I am listening to loud music, but nobody is home? - home canning jars

or even when I play drums, I hear someone in the room to tell me to shut up, but if I) stop playing (drums, music, I see myself in the room or house and nobody is at home . Could a spirit, or my subconscious? I am also in a basement, if you want ..


Dylslitt... said...

When people are at home, and listen to music, reads regularly to keep silent then? If so, it could be lurking your subconscious mind.

Valethar said...

Hallucinations of voices commenting on the behavior is a very common symptom of schizophrenia, but if it only happens with music and not very often, so I say, do not you check out.

Aaron said...

When you say, loud music * * If you think screamo and stuff i dont think it's for people who think you can fool good. But it is bad for you as debris drugs PEOPLE WITH NO DRUGS!

Link said...

It could be a sign of schizophrenia, or could simply paranoia.

munmun said...

,,,,,,, Is your own inner voice and type of harmonic distortion with loud music ....

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