Lupus Anticoagulant Disorder Lupus Anticoagulant Test Came Out Undetermined?

Lupus Anticoagulant test came out undetermined? - lupus anticoagulant disorder

N neg or test results are positive, but not closer?
What does this mean? This was for the lupus anticoagulant and similar test in my ob's done. Add to my neurologist and several miscarriages.


Princess... said...

I have lupus seven years, I have so many blood diseases. Contributed to the stillbirth of my daughter. Anyway, when my two brothers began testing positive in children to a blood disorder and a positive result for others. Neither had enough positives to say that he had actually lupus. There are many other tests that are performed to ask the doctor, explain that you have, and the results, and if you do not understand, tell your doctor. If your doctor gives you enough time to find a new doctor. Some evidence is conclusive on the return to the stable.

I know there is no answer and tries to propose ideas ......

I hope your answer!

Sehr_Klug 50 said...

It is advisable to repeat the test, and the level of antibodies against SMA and the double helix in order to obtain a correct result .. especially if neurological symptoms are ya ..
Indeterminate results is not the end of the story, if you have doubts, we are bound to repeat it in another laboratory, the result of "bias" avoid, or are at risk of miscarriage and later can be spontaneous bleeding or deep vein visceral veins (sometimes I think that the so-called "lupus anticoagulant" You must have your name ..... lupus thrombosis (blood clotting) factor
Good luck

Mark S, JPAA said...

I have some links that may provide answers to your questions. Good luck!

Mark S, JPAA said...

I have some links that may provide answers to your questions. Good luck!

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