Vance And Hines Re Map Cbr 600, Vance & Hines Slip-on Pipe?

Cbr 600, vance & hines slip-on pipe? - vance and hines re map

Do I need to be removed again after the installation? I had a bike when there is a brief sketch of idling on the street a bit. only needs to refuse carbohydrates or past? I suppose you air filter in stock


Anonymous said...

1) Make sure the filter. You can not nothing. This is bad.
2) Check for leaks in the exhaust.
3) With the bike properly maintained - Balance of carbohydrates is important
4) Remove the caps, check the color. White - low. Black - rich. Brown is correct.

Then decide if you need or refusal Drop / raise needles in the slides.

Google for a guide to the injection.

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